
Bioethics Webinars & Virtual Events



This page provides access to recordings of events and webinars conducted by the PAHO´s Regional Program on Bioethics.



Virtual seminar series on topics related to clinical trials

Challenges of adaptive trials (September 25, 2024)

The U.S. single IRB policy: challenges and lessons (August 30, 2024)

Data Monitoring Committees (DMCs) and the role of ethics (July 17, 2024)

Animal research and the role of committees for the care and use of animals (June 12, 2024)

Recent webinars & virtual events

Tool for the accreditation of research ethics committees (Jan. 31, 2024) 

What are the regulatory tasks in the oversight of clinical trials? (Nov. 21, 2023) 

What actions should we take now to improve our ethics preparedness for future emergencies and strengthen research ethics? (August 29, 2023)

Virtual regional bilingual workshop: Material Transfer Agreements and Data Transfer Agreements

First session (Oct. 10, 2023)


-Second Session:(Oct.17, 2023)

-Third Session: (Oct. 24, 2023)

-Fourth Session: (Oct. 31, 2023)

Regional dialogues: Catalyzing ethical research in emergencies

Catalyzing ethical research in emergencies. Ethics guidance, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and pending agenda (Apr. 26, 2022)

 Preliminary recommendations to catalyze ethical research in emergencies (Apr. 8th, 2022) 

Series: Indicators for Strengthening National Research Ethics Systems

I Virtual Seminar: Indicators for Strengthening National Research Ethics Systems (Oct. 18th, 2021)

II Virtual Seminar: Regional assessment using indicators: Achievements and pending challenges (Nov. 8th, 2021) 

III Virtual Seminar: Regional assessment of the indicator on research in emergencies: Progress during the pandemic (Nov. 15th, 2021) 

Other webinars & virtual events

Research with people with mental health conditions: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities vs. CIOMS ethical guidelines (Sep. 5, 2023)

Panorama regional y desafíos éticos de la investigación con personas con condiciones de salud mental a la luz de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (Julio 25, 2023 / Spanish audio)


El marco MEURI: ¿Cómo asegurar que en la emergencia las intervenciones no probadas sean utilizadas de manera ética fuera de una investigación? (Agosto 24, 2022 / Spanish audio)

Regional public health ethics workshop: Lessons to be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic (Original Audio/Dec 13th, 2021)

Ethics and Vector Borne Diseases  (Sept. 28th, 2021)

Human genome editing: A framework for governance and recommendations  (Sep. 17th, 2021) 

LIVE CONVERSATION on FB PAHO Caribbean & Twitter: Should health research be conducted with children? (July 22, 2021) 

Virtual Seminar: "Gene editing, communication and ethics" (only in Spanish) (May, 17th, 2021) 

Virtual Seminar: Ethics oversight of COVID-19 research in response to emerging evidence (March 29th, 2021) 

Virtual Workshop: “COVID-19 Vaccine Research Ethics” (Oct 27th, 2020 / without translation)

Evidence, ethics and the use of unproven interventions for COVID 19 (Jul 30, 2020)

Operational guidelines and strategies for the ethics review and oversight of COVID-19 related research (Apr 24, 2020)

Dialogues about research ethics during the pandemic: Challenges and lessons to learn in Latin America and the Caribbean

First dialogue: “Strategies for ethics review and oversight” (Nov 3rd, 2020) 

Second dialogue: “REC Procedures” (Nov 10th, 2020 / without translation in English)

Third Dialogue: "Ethical Challenges of the research proposals: Social and scientific value, and informed consent” (Nov 17th, 2020) 

Fourth dialogue: “The perspective of researchers” (Nov 24th, 2020) 

 Fifth dialogue: "The risk-benefit assessment of studies" (Dec 1st, 2020)

Sixth dialogue: "What have we learned so far?" (Dec 9th, 2020) 

Information sessions

 PAHOERC Information Session: What needs ethics review during the pandemic? (Sept 23th, 2020)